Friday, April 5, 2019

April Showers Bring Bay(Maxx) Flowers!

Hello Again Friends!

It’s Springtime and there’s enough of a breeze outside most days that I can sit out on the porch and enjoy the sound of the wind chimes and fresh air all around me. I’m a happy pup for sure!

Another part of Spring that I love is all the flowers I get to see and smell!

Since I’m not a puppy anymore, I do my best not to damage those pretty plants by running through them or chewing on them, it’s all part of being an adult! (Unless I spot a lizard… then it can’t be helped!)

What’s your favorite part about this Spring season?

I want to share with you 5 of my favorite Springtime Flowers that you can add to your home, inside or out, for a fantastic floral touch and to bring a fresh look and scent to everything!

Five Fabulous Springtime Flowers!

*Note: All of these flowers are “annuals” and bloom best from spring through summer!

1. Marigold- these warm and popular flowers are perfect for Florida’s “full sun” weather- they thrive on it! Not only are they a happy, bright edition to your garden, but they also keep the bugs away!

2. Begonias- The Perfect Springtime Flower! With tiny pink and white blossoms these little beauties are a known sign across the country that Spring has arrived! Here in Florida they will happily bloom year-round, and they’ll bloom anywhere too! Just provide them with a little bit of shade and they’ll be happy!

3. Annual Cornflowers- These bright blue flowers add a lovely color pop to any place they go! Nicknamed “Bachelor’s Buttons” they will happily grow from Spring through summer, if your not a fan of the natural wildflower look they give, you can also find “dwarf” versions of them!

4. Sweet Peas- these delicate flowers are climbers, so they love to be placed alongside fences or trellises to grow! They also come in many different colors, so pick your favorite springtime hue and let them climb and add color to your garden!

5. Pansies- These flowers are a personal favorite of mine! I’m not sure why but I just love the look of them! They bloom from spring through summer and are happiest with the full sun and just a bit of shade- so they’re a perfect addition to your Florida garden!

Love to look at flowers, want them around, but don’t want to, or don’t have room to have your own? That’s ok! We like to turn on “Moving Art” on Netflix and watch the “Flowers” episode for soothing music and the most beautiful compilation of flowers in bloom!

Check it out if you want!

If you want to read more of my blogs you can click on any of the following links to see more of my stuff! Detective BayMaxx & the Water Leak, A Lesson on Life w/ BayMaxx, & Proud of My Plumber!

Thanks for spending time with me today! Enjoy the beautiful weather and take time to relax and breathe a bit today! It’ll do you good- body, mind & soul!

Until next time- Lots of Love!

BayMaxx the Next Level Plumbing Pup

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