Wednesday, January 29, 2020

“Hide & Seek” Plumbing Edition- Main Shut Off

The Main Shut Off Valve


It might seem like common knowledge to some, but many people don’t know where their home’s main shut off is!

We get plenty of calls regarding this, and while your home’s main shut off might appear to be sneaky and good at hiding, you just need all the right clues to locate it!

7 Next Level Main Shut Off Valve Tips

Tip #1:
The main shut off valve can usually be found on the outside wall of your home about 2 feet or so above the ground.

Tip #2
If you own a condo here in Florida you may need to look where the main water line is, it will most likely be close by!

Tip #3
Once you find the shut off valve, it all becomes quite simple! You will want to turn the shut off valve clockwise in order to shut off the water supply to your house.

Tip #4
You can just as easily do the same to turn off other more specific water supplies such as toilets, sinks, and washing machines in order to avoid any water leaks or plumbing emergencies!

Tip #5
Toilet Shut Off? It should be right behind the toilet- just find the valve and turn clockwise till it stops!

Tip #6
Sink Shut Off? Beneath the sink there should be a shut off valve similar to the toilets- make sure you turn it all the way off to avoid leaking or water damage!

Tip #7
Washing Machine Shut Off? A washing machine has two valves instead of one! Behind the washing machine you should see two valves or levers, make sure they’re turned or switched the other way and you should be good to go! Until the plumbing problem is fixed at least!!!

Hopefully this little info bit will help you if you get in a pinch with any leaks or water issues in your home! Want to check out more “Hide & Seek” blogs like this one? Keep reading by clicking the links below!

Hide & Seek (Plumbing Ed.): The Anode Rod

“Hide & Seek:” Plumbing Edition- Finding Your Cleanout

“Hide & Seek” Plumbing Edition~ How Old is My Water Heater??

Hope you enjoy!
As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at We’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

The post “Hide & Seek” Plumbing Edition- Main Shut Off appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

N2K: Why Become a Plumber?

You know, we here at Next Level Plumbing think being a plumber is a pretty awesome profession. Maybe we’re biased, but it doesn’t mean we’re necessarily wrong…


Why You Should Become a Plumber

When you think of plumbing, you might think it’s not the most glamorous job in the world…and you wouldn’t be wrong. Sure, we can find ourselves faced with clogged toilets and stopped-up sinks, but those are a small price to pay for the all the benefits and rewards of being a plumber. (And there’s way more to the job than toilets and sinks!)

Here are some of our top reasons for becoming a plumber. This is by no means an extensive list, but it’s a good start!

Variety: This might seem surprising to you, but it’s true! There’s quite a bit of variety within the plumbing trade. There’s residential work or commercial work. You could design and develop new plumbing technologies or manage large plumbing jobs for cities and counties. And the list could go on and on!

Security: The need for a plumber will never go away! It doesn’t change with a shifting economy or a fleeting fad— everyone everywhere with modern plumbing will always need a plumber. This is a very good thing!

Less Debt: Byron (NLP’s Owner & Master Plumber) has touched on this before, but it is worth repeating: choosing a trade like plumbing means you can gain a valuable skill without a lot of debt. You can do trade school classes at night and work during the day. College, while a worthy path for many students, can be expensive—sometimes devastatingly expensive— and leave you saddled with a ton of debt and stress! Additionally, within the plumbing industry, you can enter an plumbing apprenticeship where you can be PAID while you learn the trade—now that is a win-win opportunity! And speaking of opportunities…

Opportunities: There are a number of opportunities within the plumbing industry. It is a licensed and regulated trade, so you can work your way up to the master level if you choose. Master plumbers, due to the additional training and requirements, have a higher salary and consequently more opportunities at their disposal.

Independence: And finally…this is a big one—independence! By choosing to go into business for yourself, you can create and design your own schedule and life. What could be better than that?

Like we said earlier, this is just the tip of the iceberg on why you should become a plumber. It’s a rewarding industry with many opportunities available for the individual who is willing to put in the time to get the training and work hard! Did we spark your curiosity? Want to learn more? Check out the Next Level blogs below!

N2K: Pulling Plumbing Permits

Revolutionizing the Industry: Part 1- “The Problem…”

Revolutionizing the Industry: Part 2- “Seeds of Change”

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at We’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

The post N2K: Why Become a Plumber? appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Friday, January 17, 2020

AYP: Plumbing Tips for Renters


Living in a Rental?

Not sure what to do if there’s a plumbing emergency or problem?

Here are a few Next Level tips to help you out!

#1. Ask your landlord how they prefer to work in case of an emergency.

If you can do this BEFORE an emergency you can eliminate a lot of stress!
If you wake up in the middle of the night to a flood in your house from a break in a water line, you need a plumber right now! But since it is the middle of the night you may not be able to get ahold of your landlord for a while.

Most plumbers and other trade professionals will require payment upon completion, and this has lead to some dicey situations between landlord, tenant, and technician. If the tenant approves the work and agrees to pay the technician assuming the landlord will reimburse them, it may work just fine, or there may be major problems.

So find out up front what to do in case of an emergency. If they have preferred companies they like to use, write them down with their number so you are ready in case of an emergency.

#2. Make sure you understand the terms of the rental contract.

Sometimes the owner pays for every problem, sometimes they make the renter pay, and often it is some sort of hybrid combination.

Considering the above advice, treat the plumbing carefully.

Most of the time when our technicians are working for a landlord with a plumbing problem, the landlord will ask the tech if they think it was caused by the renter.

So for instance if you have a stoppage and we find corrosion in the old pipes causing it, we would tell the landlord that it is the old pipes causing the problem and not the renter.

However if we found wipes or other foreign objects in the drain, we would report that to the landlord and most of the time in those situations they will charge the renter for the bill. So it is best to be careful, and take care of the plumbing in the house.

We hope these tips help you to be more prepared whether you’re renting or not!  

Concerned about your home and plumbing? Give us a call!
Did you enjoy today’s Next Level blog? If you did, go ahead and check out these other blogs!

AYP: “Organize Under Your Sink!”

Fix It Felix: Common Fixes You Can Do!

AYP: Slab Leaks

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at We’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

The post AYP: Plumbing Tips for Renters appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Meet Your Next Level Plumber: Round 2!

Do you ever wish you knew more about the plumber who’s scheduled to come to your house?

Sometimes it can feel a little sketchy scheduling to have an unknown technician come fix something inside your home… It would be so nice to know more about the person than just the company title and the name of the technician coming out!

Perhaps you’ve seen our Next Level Plumbing logo around town, or you’ve spotted us while searching for a plumber among the many available plumbing companies to choose from in Sarasota.

What makes us special? Why should you choose Next Level Plumbing?

Please a moment to read about Next Level Plumbing’s newest hire, Evan Thomson, we hope this helps you feel more at ease with us!

We’ve comprised a list of questions that might cross your mind when you’re looking to hire a plumber, or really find out the quality and expertise of any technician in the industry today. To make answering the questions, and reading about them a bit more fun we’ve also added in a few fun and personal questions amongst the business related ones. This allows you to get a better image of the person being interviewed. We snagged Evan between his calls during the day to sit down and answer these questions so you’re able to get to know him better!

An Interview with Evan Thomson

Question #1: How long have you been in the plumbing industry?

I’ve been plumbing for over 6 years now. The majority spent here in Sarasota. I didn’t start out in plumbing as my first career like Byron, but saw an opportunity in plumbing and haven’t left!

Question #2: What do you like most about your job?

I enjoy meeting new people, and helping solve their problems! The work is always different day to day and it’s helps me not to become stagnant and bored in my job. I’m a very active person, both in body and mind, and I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands, so this is a great job job for me in that sense.

Question #3: What is your Meyers-Briggs personality type?

I’m an ENTJ.  This personality type is fairly accurate to me. To learn more about the ENTJ personality, click here.

Question #4: What is one fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me? Well, I have a crippled pinky! Kind of a strange fun fact, and maybe one you didn’t really need to know, but it hasn’t slowed me down in the least! It doesn’t effect my plumbing work either!

Question #5: If you had all the money and time you wanted, what would you do with it?

I’d travel! Traveling the world has always been something I’ve felt drawn to. Specifically, since I was very young, I’ve wanted to go to Mongolia. It tends to surprise people when they hear that’s my first travel choice, but it always has been!

Question #6: What is your favorite pastime?

Reading has always been a favorite pastime of mine. One of my favorite books and a top recommendation to anyone would be “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I also really enjoy exercise, long runs are my go to choice.

Question #7: Do you have a favorite time of day?

There’s a certain word for the time of day that I enjoy most… however it’s not coming to mind. It’s that time right around dawn and dusk where the colors change the most on the horizon.

We hope you enjoyed this short interview with Evan! If you want to learn more about our plumbers and/or Next Level Plumbing then please check out the blogs below!

Ask Byron: Tank VS. Tankless?

Ask Your Plumber: DIY Toilet Fixes?

Ways to Help Your Plumber: Part 1

If you need a plumber, or are looking for a free estimate on any plumbing problems please reach out to us!
You can call or text us at 941-504-3578, or email us at!

The post Meet Your Next Level Plumber: Round 2! appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Meet Your Next Level Plumber!

Do you ever wish you knew more about the plumber who’s scheduled to come to your house?

Sometimes it can feel a little sketchy scheduling to have an unknown technician come fix something inside your home… It would be so nice to know more about the person than just the company title and the name of the technician coming out!

Perhaps you’ve seen our Next Level Plumbing logo around town, or you’ve spotted us while searching for a plumber amongst the many available plumbing companies to choose from in Sarasota.

What makes us special? Why should you hire a Next Level plumber?

Take a moment to read about Next Level Plumbing’s owner and master plumber, Byron Thomson, we hope this helps you feel more at ease with us!

We’ve comprised a list of questions that might cross your mind when you’re looking to hire a plumber, or really find out the quality and expertise of any technician in the industry today. To make answering the questions, and reading about them a bit more fun we’ve also added in a few fun and personal questions amongst the business related ones. This allows you to get a better image of the person being interviewed. Byron was happy to sit down and answer these questions so you’re able to get to know him better!

An Interview with Byron Thomson

Question #1: How long have you been in the plumbing industry?

I’ve been plumbing in Sarasota for over 16 years now; I had the opportunity to start plumbing part-time when I was 16 years old. I took plumbing classes at night and worked for a plumbing company during the day for 4 years, then I received my Masters plumbing license at 21 years old. Sarasota is my hometown; my whole plumbing career has been here.

Question #2: What do you like most about your job?

I really like meeting new people and helping solve problems! It’s a blessing to be able to step in and take some of the stress out of peoples lives. Any time I can do that, I feel like I’ve had a good day at work! Ever since I was little, I’ve loved building things and solving puzzles. I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands, so this is the perfect job for me!

Question #3: What is your Meyers-Briggs personality type?

Last time I checked I was an INFJ. (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) This matches me pretty well in my opinion! To learn more about the INFJ personality, click here.

Question #4: What is one fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me? Well, I’m one of eight siblings—second born—and all of us were homeschooled through high school. I’ve got a really great family! I’m also lucky to have recently hired my brother, Evan, to work along side me here at Next Level Plumbing. He’s also been plumbing in Sarasota for a number of years now.

(Curious about Evan? Keep a look out here on the blog for his interview in the future!)

Question #5: If money were no object, what would you do more often?

I’d travel! Traveling the world has always been a dream of mine, made even more of a dream when I married my nature and adventure loving wife! The first place we’d go is Ireland. I’d love to see New Zealand as well—it’s a beautiful place… perfect for the adventurous soul with a camera!

Question #6: What is your favorite pastime?

I love being able to come home everyday to my wife, Mollie. My favorite moments are spent with her. We enjoy going on adventures together, or being low-key and watching our favorite shows or nature documentaries on the couch while we eat dinner.

Question #7: Do you have a favorite time of day?

Absolutely! I love mornings when everything is quiet and peaceful. I’m able to wake up refreshed and usually feel the most productive in the early morning time.

We hope you enjoyed this short interview with Byron! If you want to learn more about Byron and read some of his blogs check out the ones below!

Ask Byron: Tank VS. Tankless?

Ask Your Plumber: DIY Toilet Fixes?

Ways to Help Your Plumber: Part 1

If you need a plumber, or are looking for a free estimate on any plumbing problems please reach out to us!
You can call or text us at 941-504-3578, or email us at!

The post Meet Your Next Level Plumber! appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Friday, January 3, 2020

Fix It Felix: Slow Moving Drain?

When you’re used to something working correctly you expect nothing less…until…!

Read on to see what Byron, your Next Level neighborhood Fix It Felix, recommends to fix that slow moving drain that’s causing so much frustration!

You think everything is working fine and then you begin to realize there’s something wrong… why isn’t this draining!?! It was fine yesterday!!! It’s a common situation, and one that many people prefer to fix themselves rather than calling out a plumber. Totally understandable! Since that’s the case, let us help you out today by sharing our knowledge with you, and providing natural, safe, non-toxic options for you to fix that slow moving drain driving you crazy!

Narrowing it down…

There are 4 different types of substance clogs you can run into in; 2 kinds found in the kitchen, and 2 found in the bathroom. That narrows this search for answers down quite a bit! Once you’ve figured out which type of clog you have you will be able to gather the right tools to fix the problem, no stress, and probably only a little mess (depending on the clog)!

Kitchen Clogs:

1. The #1 cause of kitchen clogs is FOG (Fat, Oil, & Grease), this means that if you decide it won’t hurt to pour any excess fat, oil, or grease down the kitchen sink drain it’s going to disappear down the drain just fine, but out of sight does not mean out of mind in this case. For example, liquid fat will cool and harden in the pipes, getting thicker (especially if you’re doing this often) until you have a slow drain or a complete stoppage.

2. The second kind of clog you can run into in the kitchen is a food particle clog. This is when large pieces of food get trapped in the curved pipe beneath the sink (the p-trap) and slow down the regular flow of things. This is also a very common occurrence.

Bathroom Clogs:

1. Hair- yeah, it’s something we all cringe a bit at, but it’s reality, and the most common cause of bathroom clogs! This is a clog that usually occurs right below the drain cover, and isn’t the most difficult to clean out as long as it hasn’t been building up over time.

2. Soap Scum- Soap residue and particles often can coat the interior of pipes and cause a blockage. Though it’s not as common, these types of clogs can be worse to deal with in that they can get so bad that they corrode the pipes!


There are plenty of varying solutions to a slow drain/clog. A large number of these solutions are chemical, and many of us are cautious of using strong, dangerous chemicals in our homes. That being said, there are different household tools that can fix a clog as well as mixtures that you don’t need to run to the store for ingredient to.

Mixture Solutions:

Mixtures that work well include a natural liquid dish detergent and hot water combined to remove grease or fat from clogged pipes. It’s as simple as heating 2 liters of water to a boil, stirring in the dish detergent, and slowly pouring it down the drain. Make sure to use natural dish detergent, and flush the drain after this process with hot tap water. Don’t expect this to work immediately, it may take multiple tries!

Another mixture that you can try is salt and hot water! This follows the same steps as the dish detergent and hot water mixture, and should help remove fats and grease from those clogged pipes!

These are just two types of natural solutions for you to try, I know there are many more out there, and some include essential oils which I think is awesome! If you are unsure of what is safe or good for your plumbing, contact your plumber to help you make the right decision!

Household Item Solutions:

It comes as no surprise that a plunger would be useful for a clog, but specifically what kind of clog? A rubber plunger is often best used if a kitchen sink is clogged by food pieces or objects lodged in the pipes. Because of the pressure and release the plunger can create, this is a pretty good option to try! You will need to fill the sink to about halfway with warm water before using the plunger. This should dislodge anything in the pipes and allow it to pass while you’re rinsing the drain.

Another item you may not think to use is a long wire hook. This works on hair or small objects caught in bathroom drains. After removing the drain cover and making sure you’re wearing gloves and have a wire that’s bent into a hook, insert the hook into the drain and do your best to hook and pull out whatever is clogging the drain. You can repeat this until it’s cleared. This method works well because a wire hook is safer and much more preferable for pulling out anything found in a bathroom drain!

Take preventative measures!

If you injure yourself, often after the injury has healed you make the effort to NOT repeat what gave you the injury in the first place! Ideally, this theory of learning from mistakes or dealing with a problem helps us to make better or safer choices in life. It’s no different with your plumbing at home!

Hopefully these natural tips for clearing a slow moving drain or clog help you out!!!

Want to read more “Fix It Felix” blogs? Check out these below!

“Fix It Felix!” Week 1: Sink Dripping? Fix It!

“Fix It Felix!” Week 2: Strange Toilet Noises? Fix It!

Fix It Felix: Common Fixes You Can Do!

If you need a plumber, or are looking for a free estimate on any plumbing problems please reach out to us! You can call or text us at 941-504-3578, or email us at!

The post Fix It Felix: Slow Moving Drain? appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.
