Wednesday, August 28, 2019

AYP: Slab Leaks

Ask Your Plumber:

Do I Have A Slab Leak?

Slab leaks can cause a LOT of trouble for your home! Not only can they be very costly, but they seem to show up out of nowhere and go from being a small puddle problem to a big puddle problem!

A slab leak can cause serious water damage, make your water bill skyrocket, and create a sudden and unwanted pool to unexpectedly appear in your home that could be very costly! Not to mention if the moisture seeps into the concrete and sits too long it can lead to mold growing! That means health issues for you and your family are also a concern now!

Slab Leaks are no fun for anyone, so here are some FAQ’s answered by our Next Level Master Plumber Byron, to help you out!

1. Do You Fix Slab Leaks?

Next Level Plumbing does NOT locate slab leaks, but we DO repair them!

2. How Do Slab Leaks Happen?

Slab leaks usually occur in older homes with copper pipes. Those pipes age and can become corroded as the houses foundation settles. This can lead to pinhole leaks or bursts in the piping (these are the two most common scenarios). The older the home, the more it’s foundation has settled which means those pipes are more likely to burst or cause issues than a newer home. If you have an older home, make sure you know the signs to look for in case of a slab leak!

3. What Are The Signs Of A Slab Leak?

There are a number of signs that you should look for in regards to a slab leak: water pooling on the floor close to where the plumbing is located; the floor feels hot (or warmer than usual) or the floor feels hot or cold in different areas; your water pressure is low; high water bills; odd sounds coming from the floor or plumbing; and the most severe sign- the floors are cracking. If you notice any of these indications of a slab leak, get a pro out to help you resolve the problem before it becomes even worse!

4. Is It Expensive To Fix?

Honestly, yes. A slab leak can be costly, so the sooner you notice signs of a problem, the better. If it IS a slab leak, and you’ve had recurring issues with your plumbing, then it is also a good time to consider a repipe! Solving the whole issue in one go rather than endlessly trying to repair it over time can save you money and a whole lot of hassle in the end.

Concerned about your home and plumbing? Give us a call!

Did you enjoy today’s blog written by Next Level Plumbing’s owner and master plumber? If you did, go ahead and check out these other blogs written by Byron!

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at we’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

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Friday, August 23, 2019

Next Level FAQ’s

Next Level FAQs

Answered Free of Charge Courtesy of Byron Thomson!

Why is my toilet running?

There are two problems that can cause a toilet to constantly run.

One way is if the fill valve does not shut off properly due to debris that came through the lines or wear and tear on the device. This causes the toilet to constantly run and is solved by installing a new fill valve.

The other way is when water leaks through the flapper into the toilet. This causes the toilet to cycle on and off or to seemingly flush by itself. It is not actually flushing by itself, but is simply refilling the tank to account for the water that leaked into the toilet bowl. This is most often caused by the flapper being bad, or getting caught on something.

Are you licensed to work in Sarasota and do you have insurance?

I have a master plumbing license to work in the state of Florida, license number CFC1428105. You can check anybody’s license here.This means I can legally perform plumbing work anywhere in Florida.

Additionally, I carry a 3 million dollar insurance policy, and can provide proof whenever it is needed. Bonding is different than insurance in that is not required for work in standard residential homes. However, if there is a job that requires bonding, I can secure the bonding required for the job.

How much does it cost to get an estimate?


I come out for free, assess what is going on, and what it will take to fix or replace it. I always like to quote the job upfront—even if it is a small job—so we are both on the same page. That way, if there is a issue with the cost, we know it before we start the job and you are never surprised by the bill.

What are your charges?

This is difficult to answer with accuracy because the same plumbing task in one situation can be very different in scope than in another situation. For instance, if I replace the toilet tank bolts at one house, everything might come apart easily and I can do the job quickly.

At another house, though, the bolts may be rusty which will cause the job to take a lot longer. Additionally, another house may have a Kohler toilet that has to have it’s own special parts which cost more money.

Best case scenario is to have me come out and give a quote specific to your job, then you will know for sure!

Is there a guarantee or warranty on your work?

I warranty the labor and parts I use for 1 year, unless otherwise stated. If I install fixtures that you have provided, then I do not warranty the fixture itself, but I do provide a warranty on the installation.

Can I buy my own parts and have you install them?

Yes, you can!

There are advantages and disadvantages to this and I can go over the specific details with you when I’m there in person, but generally it goes something like this: If you provide the parts, and I install them, you will provide the warranty on the parts and I will warranty the installation and any additional parts I provide.

If there are any defects in the product or parts missing you provided, you will be subject to an additional charge to fix the defects or return when the parts are in.

If I provide the parts, I provide the warranty for those parts plus labor. If there are any defects or parts missing, I do not charge extra to come back with the right parts or fix the defective ones.

How quick can you arrive? Can you work around my schedule?

We always want to take care of the plumbing problem as soon as we can. Our schedule can fluctuate week to week, so the best thing is to call and we can tell you for sure when we are available. We all have busy lives and not everyone is available at convenient times, however we try very hard to be able to accommodate schedules. We have found that we can almost always find a time that works out.

Did you enjoy today’s blog written by Next Level Plumbing’s owner and master plumber? If you did, go ahead and check out these other blogs written by Byron!

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at we’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

“Never Bean Better Day” w/ Bay(Maxx)

Tomorrow is

“Never Bean Better Day!”

National Calendar- Aug. 22, 2019

Hello everyone, I’m BayMaxx, Next Level Plumbing’s biggest fan, mascot, office guard dog, and couch potato! If we haven’t met yet, I’ll tell you a bit about myself before the blog begins. I’m probably intimidating from afar, and I can have a scary bark, but I’m the nicest Golden American Staffy you’ll ever meet!

I love my humans a WHOLE lot and like to follow them around wherever they go because I’m happiest when I’m close to the people I love. I can’t help but wag my tail whenever my mom smiles at me and I’m very good at listening (especially when dad tells me to do something!)

My favorite thing to do is play with my toys, lay in the sun, and make people smile! So it makes sense that I’m the one sharing with you today!

Did you know tomorrow is “Never Bean Better Day?”

Many people don’t know about fun, special holidays like this one, and that what makes using a National Day Calendar so much fun! It gives us the opportunity to celebrate something everyday!


This National Day was founded by The Drager Group, INC. to recognize the sweet and wonderful unconditional love dogs bring to human lives! The day specifically honors a special therapy dog named Bean! (Nooowwww we understand why the spelling on the day is different!)

To learn more about Bean, you can visit his website or even follow Bean’s special tail on FB, Instagram, or Twitter!

But how can we celebrate this special day?

As a special pup myself I would recommend going outside and doing something fun with your pet! Return some of the love we’re constantly sharing with you by doing something we love with us! Whether that’s a car ride, a game of fetch in the park, a chance to splash in the ocean or a puddle, or a cuddle session on the couch- whatever makes your pup happiest!

Have a happy rest of the week, I’ll see you next time! Lots of love! -BayMaxx

Thanks for being with us here at Next Level Plumbing! If you’re interested in reading more about BayMaxx or checking out his blog posts, just click any of the following links!

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at we’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ask Your Plumber: Toilet Clearing Itself

“Will My Toilet Clear Itself?”

Have you ever had a plumbing problem, called a plumber, then when the plumber arrived the problem had fixed itself?

That happens more than you might think.

One common problem that seems to “fix itself” the most is the toilet being stopped up. The toilet stopping up has happened to a lot of us at one time or the other.

When the toilet is initially flushed, the solid materials may become lodged in the toilet piping called the “S” trap. The toilet bowl then fills up and almost overflows. You frantically plunge the toilet trying to clear it but nothing happens.

So you finally give in and call the plumber. When he gets there he flushes it to test it and it is all of the sudden flushing fine.


The reason is simple. The solids initially flushed get stuck in the toilet pipe. When you try to plunge the toilet, it doesn’t move because the solids are too hard. But as the water sits there for several hours it softens the hard materials and all of the sudden it is soft enough to go down the drain.

So next time the toilet stops up, you can give it an hour or two and see if it plunges free then. If not, you’ll probably have to call the plumber.

As a parting piece of advice, if the toilet stops up all the time, it probably has a foreign object in it, or it’s time to replace the toilet.

Did you enjoy today’s blog written by Next Level Plumbing’s owner and master plumber? If you did, go ahead and check out these other blogs written by Byron!

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at we’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Nat’l Relaxation Day (Aug. 15th)

Tomorrow is National Relaxation Day!

(Nat’l Relaxation Day- Aug. 15, 2019)

Here Are 3 Ways to Handle a Plumbing Emergency Quickly & Efficiently So You Can Sit Back & RELAX!

FIRST: Turn everything off!

Make sure you know where all the shut off valves in your home are, and turn off the water immediately as soon as a problem arises! This will save you money, and help the plumber (and you) to have less of a mess to deal with later on!

SECOND: Deal with it Right Away!

A plumbing emergency is a stressful situation, anyone can agree to that, however when contacting your plumber please take into consideration that your regular plumber may have jobs scheduled and unable to get out to you at the time that you need him to. Having a second back up plumber ready to call will lessen your stress during an emergency situation.

THIRD: Make an “Emergency Fund”

If you can, put aside money into an “emergency fund” for situation like a plumbing catastrophe or immediate home repairs that you can’t plan for. Even if you’re only putting a small amount aside each month, that money might help you to feel less stressed when an emergency does happen!

Don’t let the frustrations of life affect your day of relaxation! Even if you can’t relax the whole day, try to set aside some time to chill out and decompress.

Curious about more fun days we celebrate here at NLP?! Check out these links to see more blogs like this one!

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at we’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

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Friday, August 9, 2019

The Perfect Weekend to Sit Back & Relax!


AUG. 9th- Nat’l Book Lover’s Day

AUG. 10th- Nat’l Lazy Day

Did You Know!?

Today (Aug. 9th) is the day to celebrate being a book lover, and tomorrow (Aug. 10th) is the perfect excuse to be lazy and enjoy a relaxing day free of stress! Not everyone celebrates national days, but we at Next Level Plumbing have discovered that finding something “special” to celebrate or appreciate about the day can make it go by more enjoyably than you might expect! It also can provide an opportunity for you to be excited about something you might not have thought of if it weren’t for that National day popping up and reminding you!

For example… book lovers!

This day is the perfect reason to do the things book lovers enjoy most! Going to libraries, book stores, their private study, or the cozy corner of their couch, and reading to their hearts content! Book lovers get excited over things like this, a new (or old) bookstore, the release of the next book in a series, a quiet, comfortable corner to read in, a library quiet with just the rustle of pages being turned and books being enjoyed… Book Lovers take advantage of this National day- it’s just for you! And share your love of books with others too! Everyone can benefit from reading more whether they’re young or old!

We’re not forgetting about tomorrow!

The next day to celebrate on the calendar is “National Lazy Day” which is Aug. 10th! Although there are certainly people out there who hate to be lazy, many of us relish the opportunity for a lazy day (that’s often what Sundays are for the Next Level Plumbing crew) since it allows us to sit back, take a breather, and let go of some of the stress that has built up through the week. Not able to take the whole day and just be lazy? Then designate a time to disconnect from the world, step away, and relax. While relaxing for a short time may not be considered “lazy” it will certainly be worth your while!

What does taking a day to be lazy look like for you? Would it be setting up your hammock in the shade with all the snacks, beverages, and entertainment you could need to relax without having to get up for hours? Would it be shutting yourself in your bedroom and sleeping or reading to your hearts content? Maybe it’s simply doing things at your own pace, relaxed and without time constraints… whatever a lazy day is for you, make sure you incorporate one into your life when the stress levels get too high. You’ll be glad you did!

Curious about more fun days we celebrate here at NLP?! Check out these links to see more blogs like this one!

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at we’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

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Friday, August 2, 2019

DIYD: The Best Ice Cream Sandwiches!

It’s National Ice Cream Sandwich Day!

(Nat’l Ice Cream Sandwich Day)

Are you a fan of ice cream sandwiches? Or just ice cream in general? If you are, then today is a great day to celebrate! ESPECIALLY if you would choose an ice cream sandwich at an ice cream truck!

I have a hard time turning down ice cream in any form… ice cream sandwich? Ice cream cake? Soft serve ice cream? Just ask anyone who knows me… An alien has probably taken over my body if I turn down ice cream.

Since it’s summer, and frozen treats are even more enjoyable after being out in the sun, we wanted to share with you some easy, and delicious summer treats for you to try making yourself! These DIY’s will be sure to put smiles on every face, and maybe it will become a summer tradition in the years to come!

If you’re not a fan of ice cream or ice cream sandwiches (I can’t  imagine who isn’t but to each their own) then don’t worry! You can still get something out of reading this blog! There are plenty of other days to celebrate, and you’re sure to find one you can be all in for soon enough! You can keep an eye out for more fun and unique days to celebrate by following along on our blog here, or by keeping track yourself using the National Day Calendar

Check out these fun Pinterest recipes for Delicious DIY Ice Cream Sandwiches!

“Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches”

“Skinny Ice Cream Sandwiches”

“Homemade Samoas Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies”

“The Trick To Quick & Easy Ice Cream Sandwiches”

“37 Marvelous Ice Cream Sandwich Recipes”

A Final Salute To Ice Cream Sandwiches Everywhere- We Love You! If you want to check out more recipes we’ve pinned- just scan this Pinterest code and look through our Next Level Pinterest board “From the Blog to You”

Curious about more fun days we celebrate here at NLP?! Check out these links to see more blogs like this one!

National Pet Day!

Smile Today w/ Bay(Maxx)!

National Skilled Trades Day at NLP

Hope you enjoy!

As always, if you are looking for a plumber to help you out with a maintenance call or plumbing emergency, feel free to give us a call or text at (941)504-3578, check out our website, or email us at we’d be happy to schedule a free estimate for you and provide you with all the professional help you need!

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