Friday, May 28, 2021

3 Tips To Quickly Find A Reliable Plumber

tips for finding a plumber

There’s nothing worse than dealing with a plumbing issue when you are in the middle of your week. It means that you need to quickly find a reliable plumber and, of course, make yourself available for the plumber to come in and do the work for you.

It’s important to make sure that you understand that the right plumber can make all the difference. Not only do you need to make sure you’ll get the repair done right, you also want to be charged a decent price for the repair, not ripped off by someone who is just in it for the money.

If you’ve ever been burned with a bad plumber, you know even more that the right one is going to make all of the difference. So here’s how you can quickly find a reliable plumber.

  1. Check with your neighbors for a shortlist: Since the people who live around you are going to be the most realistic options in terms of getting honest thoughts and opinions, don’t be afraid to reach out to your friendly neighbors and get their opinion on who to trust for dependable plumbing services. It might be helpful to check with a few of your neighbors and write down the names that you get. The names that overlap could give you a good idea of who to trust the most.
  1. Research online: When you have a shortlist of who you think may be the right match for you, take those names and look around online to see what’s out there on the companies. You can cross-reference the names that your neighbors gave with any online reviews. This can help you refine your search a bit more and give you an idea of who does consistently good work.
  1. Take a look at the general options online: If you can’t check with your neighbors, or you feel that they aren’t giving you enough information to feel confident in your choice, take a look online generally. Websites such as Yelp can be great for helping you to see what’s out there. Most of these local-based sites are also good for ranking them in terms of their overall quality so that you’ll see the highest-reviewed companies first.

Finding a reliable plumber can take some effort, especially if you’ve been burned before with untrustworthy companies. However, you don’t need to resign yourself to sticking with those not-so-good options.

There are many options available, but you can be confident that picking Next Level Plumbing as your plumber, you will find that a local, family owned company that’s on time, professional, with many 5 star online reviews, as many of our customers speak highly of our service quality. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any plumbing issue you have.

You can call or text us at our phone number: 941-504-3578 for a free quote.

The post 3 Tips To Quickly Find A Reliable Plumber appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Top 5 Money Saving Plumbing Tips

Plumbing issues are something that every homeowner will have to deal with at some point, because we all use plumbing in our houses.

Whether it is a busted pipe, a clogged drain, or just simply low water pressure, dealing with plumbing issues is no fun at all, In fact, it can be a real drain psychologically and financially, especially if its a big issue

Luckily for you, we have a few solutions to the problem of expensive plumbing problems that we think you should consider.

So here are 5 top money saving plumbing tips that you will wonder how you lived without:

  1. Do Regular Prevention and Maintenance
    This might seem like common sense but you’d be amazed at just how uncommon that can be. Preventing problems before they happen is a no-brainer. Prevention can include things like stopping leaks from becoming bigger, paying attention to the sounds your plumbing is making, and simply being proactive in taking care of anything that might be a problem. As far as maintenance goes, you can contract local plumbers to have regular maintenance tasks performed on your plumbing system without you ever having to worry about it again. This is often the best option for many homeowners that want to keep their homes in the best condition possible.
  1. Replace Older Parts
    One thing that will save you a ton of money over the life of your plumbing system is to simply replace things as they wear out – and immediately. Don’t wait for something to fail entirely: Consult with your plumbing expert and find a solution to your problem now while it’s relatively inexpensive.
  1. Ask For Plumbing Referrals
    Another tip for saving money is to consult with friends and family members about who they have used as a plumber. This is how you truly separate the pros from the people that just claim to be part of the profession. Plumbing, like any job, is a skill and an art – don’t waste your money on someone who doesn’t know what they are doing.
  1. Compare Plumbers and Prices
    One part of gathering referrals is to also compare and contrast who and what is out there in terms of plumbers and plumbing services. Not all companies and professionals are created equal and you need to find not only the best option for you but the best option overall. You can only do this through comparisons and, in this regard, the Internet can be very useful but should never be your only tool of research.
  1. Know Exactly What Your Plumbing Needs Are
    Whenever you are facing a plumbing issue, try to itemize what your needs are and go from there. This will give you a roadmap to consult to make sure that, not only is the problem handled, but also that it is done in the most efficient way possible.

So make sure you pay attention to these 5 top money saving plumbing tips as they could save you a lot of money, and a lot of stress.

The post Top 5 Money Saving Plumbing Tips appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

9 Plumbing Myths Debunked

Plumbing is a critical part of any house. When its not working properly, it interferes with enjoying your everyday life. That system of pipes and drains that keeps clean water flowing through and waste moving out is complex.

And as with all things complex, there are certain myths and misconceptions about plumbing that we would like to discuss and debunk in this post. This can also help you prevent problems, or spot them before they become bigger and more expensive to fix

  1. All foods go in the garbage disposal
    There is a popular misconception that anything and everything can go down your garbage disposal. Actually, no. For example, you should not put things like coffee grinds, chicken bones, egg shells, pastas and soft foods, grease, or oil down the disposal – all of them can clog it up and destroy it over time, leading to costly repairs and headaches on your part.
  2. Citrus fruits are great cleaning agents
    Any kind of citrus fruit has a level of acidity that will damage your plumbing system. It might smell good, but it is not a good idea. Use garbage disposal cleaners and fresheners that you can buy at a Walmart, Lowes, or Home Depot.
  3. Occasional low water pressure is normal
    Any well-functioning plumbing system should operate without a hitch. If there is any loss of water pressure, that’s a sign that there could be a leak in your system.
  4. You don’t need to check your plumbing unless there are issues
    Like everything else out there, your house’s plumbing system requires regular maintenance and routine checkup.
  5. Chemical drain cleaners work miracles
    You should leave any kind of chemical drain cleaning system up to the professionals. We know that there are a lot of “solutions” out there, but its better to hire professional plumbers who know what they are doing.
  6. In-tank toilet cleaners are all you need
    This is not the case – you also need to clean your toilet with other methods from time to time such as with cleaners and a brush.
  7. It is difficult to prevent clogs
    Apart from being a silly idea, preventing clogs is as easy as taking preventative measures and eliminating habits that lead to them. There’s really nothing more to it.
  8. Plumbing is a do-it-yourself skill
    Well, not really because professional plumbers have to certified, with that comes education and knowledge on the job about what works best. Because on the other hand, you could end up spending a fortune to fix an issue when hiring a master plumber would have been the better choice in the first place, instead of trying to do it yourself.
  9. All plumbers are the same
    No, no, no! Sure, some plumbers are better and more experienced than others and you should find out who is the best in your area and settle for nothing less. The good news is that Next Level Plumbing is considered among the best in our local area. We know this because our customers keep talking about high quality services online, when they leave their testimonials.

The post 9 Plumbing Myths Debunked appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

6 Possible Ways To Unclog Your Drains

ways to unclog your drain

A drains is a critical part of your plumbing system that can create a disaster if one happens to become clogged. Hence, necessitating the need to call a professional and licensed plumber.

Sometimes, you can just solve the problem at home by using some of the do-it-yourself techniques mentioned below:

So here are 6 possible ways for you to unclog your drain(s) without too much hassle.

  1. Baking Soda and Vinegar
    This is a simple solution that can solve a lot of simple clogs. First run hot water down the drain you want to unclog for about a minute. Then take a tablespoon of baking soda and pour that down the drain, then add some vinegar. Wait until the reaction has stopped then wash the drain down with water.
  2. A Bent Wire Coat Hanger
    If you know something larger has collected in your drain that is not shifting using baking soda and vinegar then you can use a wire coat hanger to poke it clear. Simply take a cheap wire coat hanger and bend it so it forms into something like a fishing rod. From there you can fish out whatever is clogging your drains.
  3. Boiled Water
    Simply boil as much water as your kettle will hold and pour the contents periodically over the drain in question. Make sure you wait a few seconds between each pour as this will make sure the boiling water can take effect properly. Boiling water does a great job of dissolving dirt and grime which build up in drains.
  4. Detergent
    This is another method using simple, at home products. Grab your detergent of choice and mix it with as much boiling water as your kettle can boil. This will create a very hot foaming mixture that is ideal for washing away greasy deposits that have accumulated on the sides of your pipes. Pour the mixture down the drain, waiting a few seconds in between each pour.
  5. Salt and Baking Soda
    This is another baking soda themed fix and is one that is very effective. Mix a tablespoon of both salt and baking soda together and pour the mixture down the drain. Leave the drain for around 15 minutes before gently pouring boiled water down the drain. This will start a chemical reaction that will rid your drains of much of the grease and grime that cause your blockages.
  6. A Classic Plunger
    Almost every family has one and every family should use one. Simply place the plunger over the drain in question and pump away. These are simple ways you can easily unclog your drains. In most cases these will do the job. But if they don’t work, then you might need to call a plumber before it becomes a bigger issue.

The post 6 Possible Ways To Unclog Your Drains appeared first on Next Level Plumbing.
